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Are you a Boy Mom that wants to create genuine moments with your son? Finally, a journal for moms and their sons to enjoy together! Mom’s Whole Heart: an interactive journal to deepen the connection between Boy Moms and their Teen Sons. This journal includes guided questions, fun activities and lots of free space for your thoughts. If you are a mom, bonus mom, godmother, aunt, grandmother, or mother figure to a teenage son this is the perfect tool to spark dialogue. This mom-son journal can support a relationship that is strong or one that needs a little more TLC.


Throughout the journal, Mom and Son can explore their thoughts and feelings about identity, relationships, self-esteem, finances, personal development and wellness. This journal celebrates the dynamic relationship between mothers and their sons and normalizes the ups and downs of the relationship. Quality time is a gift- use this journal to learn more about each other and take the first steps to redefine and renew the relationship.


6x9 size

Colorful, bright interior

Over 70 pages of guided questions, activities and space to free- write.

Great engagement tool for mothers and their sons.

Spark discussions about identity, relationships, self-esteem, finances, personal development and wellness.

Mom’s Whole Heart : An Interactive Journal to Deepen the Connection Between Boy

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